Message from the school principal

Hello, everyone. I am the school principal, Matsumoto. This school was established as Fukuoka-ken Itoshima vocational school of accounting in 1957. It's been a Japanese Language Institute since 1991 for hosting lots of foreign students from all over Asia.
Itoshima City in Fukuoka prefecture where the school is located is scenic and has a good living environment. It has been ranked 3rd place in the "Small Cities Index in the world" made by the famous English magazine Monocle as a city where it is comfortable and enjoyable to live in.
Our school's purpose of education is to develop one's "Academic Japanese" and "Competence."
"Academic Japanese" means the Japanese language ability which can be handled easily for the academic classes in the higher-level institutes that our students can advance to after they graduate from our school.
"Competence" means "social skills" including the skill of communication skills, leadership, cooperation, aspiration, common sense, and positiveness. This will be able to be gained through the experiences here at our school.
I want you to focus on and make efforts to target those "Academic Japanese" and "Competence" skills through the experience of your activities and learning during studying in Japan.
Please work enthusiastically on your own life, get over the difficulties with your own power, and be a person who has a strong will to challenge the world.
Studying abroad is not only for obtaining new language abilities and knowledge. It will be a great opportunity to meet with people, to understand them, and also to re-examine and develop your own self. From those experiences, we believe, you could see new aspects of yourself.
Nihon Bunka Gogakuin is waiting for your entrance.